You Gotta See This
June 11, 2014
The other day I had a guy come into the library. A bit confused by all the thick books, he asks me if we (the law library) has any books about ships or shipping. Thinking a bit I say sure we do and walk him over to our section dealing with maritime law. A few minutes later he comes to me and says, "Don't you have any books with pictures of ships?" Seems his boy was looking to do a book report about boats and dad was looking to help his kid out by finding some books with pictures of boats. Sorry, I said, but the Riverside Public Library is two blocks down the road.
The thing is, the Law Library has a whole lot of great books on a wide range of topics from Animal Law to Sports Law, from Ships and Shipping to Zoning, from Eminent Domain to Hospital Liability; the problem is that not one of them have any pictures! That was a problem, until now. See, the other day we received a book in the post called California Forest Practice Rules (2014). The reason this book caught my attention is because I am planning a backpacking trip this fall and, well, I'm going to be hiking out and about in the back country and wouldn't it be a good idea to know a thing or two about forest practice? Sure it would. Best of all, it has pictures. You bet it does - on page 171 is an illustration detailing how far back from a house in the woods the forest must be cut back. Did you know tree must be at least 10 feet from a chimney and that there can be no shrubs over 18 inches tall within 30 feet of a home in the woods? That's all on page 176. Other interesting topics include wildlife protection practices (starting on page 108), the conversion of timberland (page 238) and information about the Surface Mining and Reclamation Act of 1975 (starting page 238)
Yep, there is a whole lot of interesting at the Riverside County Law Library. So, why not stop on by and check us out. We may not have a whole lot of pictures, but we are a interesting lot!