Free LSAT Resources
September 17, 2015
As someone who is currently preparing on my own for the LSAT, I’ve had to find resources to supplement my studying and ones that are free are all the better. For instance, while looking around online, I saw one test prep company was selling explanations for practice tests for $2 per section. However, other sites have them completely free! Hopefully the free resources below will help you save a bit of cash on your journey to preparing for the LSAT.
For those of you who are just starting to consider applying to law school (and therefore taking the LSAT), here is some basic information about the exam from the test makers themselves.
The resources I’ve listed here are just the tip of the iceberg of what’s available online, but they’re the ones I’ve personally found most helpful.
This forum contains great explanations for the Logical Reasoning and Reading Comprehension sections of every prep test, many of them written by professional LSAT tutors. What I like about this resource is that it provides not just an explanation of why an answer is right, but usually also has answers to follow-up questions about the explanation or why certain answers are wrong.
LSAT Hacks
If the above explanations aren’t cutting it for you, these are a good alternative. The slight disadvantage is they don’t have explanations for every prep test.
The logic games section lends itself to being explained best through video, which is why these are my preferred explanations for them.
PowerScore has provided a variety of resources for people who are self-studying, including study plans and a virtual proctor. Personally, I think the best feature offered is their online scoring, which you can use to keep track of your scores and makes it easy to see if there’s a specific type of question you need to work on.
The Law School Admissions Council (LSAC) has made one prep-test available online for free, from the June 2007 administration.
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