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RCLL’s collection makes the transition to Digital


September 9, 2020

We are proud to announce our Lexis Digital Library collection, which features over 1200 eBooks that are accessible from home. Using a unique login ID and password, you will be able to access RCLL’s digital library and check-out your favorite Lexis Titles anywhere you have access to WiFi. The Public will be able to access these materials starting Monday, September 14. If you would like to attend a training on our digital library with our Digital Specialist, please register here. Want to know what Lexis eBooks are available for check-out? RCLL’s List of Lexis eBook Titles is here and a short guide on how to access the digital collection is here.

Accessing the collection is easy. Simply complete this short survey and you will receive an email from RCLL staff with your unique Login information. Once your account is set up, you can login and access the digital library 24/7. With your account, you’ll be able to make notes on the eBook/s you check out and save your annotations and notes even after the eBook/s is returned. Your account will show your recently read eBooks on your homepage, in case you need to check-out that eBook title again. 

You can checkout 3 eBooks or volumes at a time for a seven-day period. The eBook automatically returns itself when it's due, so you don’t need to worry about late fees. If the title you want is checked out, you can place a hold on it to make sure it goes to you when it is returned. The Lexis Digital Library has a mobile app too, so can access a Lexis eBook even when you’re on the go. Chrome is the best internet browser to open the digital library on, it’s not supported by Internet Explorer.

The Lexis Digital Library allows RCLL to meet your legal research needs wherever you are, providing you free and open access to legal information and eBook titles outside the law library's  business hours. If you have any questions, please contact us at 951-368-0368 or [email protected]. We will be more than happy to assist you.

Written by: Jenna Pontious, Public Services Librarian


Victor Miceli Law Library

3989 Lemon Street
Riverside, CA 92501

Open: Monday-Friday 9AM - 4PM 

[email protected] 

Indio Branch

82-995 US Highway 111, Suite 102
Indio, CA 92201

Open: Monday-Friday 9AM - 4PM

[email protected] 

Temecula Law Resource Center

30600 Pauba Road
Temecula, CA 92592

Open: Tuesday-Thursday 10AM - 6PM 

[email protected] 

No mobile information will be shared with third parties/affiliates for marketing/promotional purposes.
All the above categories exclude text messaging originator opt-in data and consent; this information will not be shared with any third parties.