RCLL provides public access to legal information. We are here to assist your use of the resources and services offered. Please help us keep the library safe and pleasant for everyone by following these rules when on Library property.
Riverside County Law Library Rules of Conduct
Law Library customers must follow Law Library policies and these Rules of Conduct.
Unacceptable behavior infringes on the rights of others may result in physical removal or exclusion from the Law Library. The Law Library staff is authorized to enforce these Rules of Conduct. Library customers must abide by and conduct themselves in accordance with the following rules:
- You cannot bring animals, other than certified/licensed service animals, onto the Library premises.
- You cannot bring drinks in non-spill proof containers into the Library. You may not eat in the Library, except during Library-sponsored events.
- You cannot bring bedrolls, blankets, luggage, containers, packages, parcels, or bundles which singly or collectively exceed 26” x 17” x 9” into the Library. You cannot bring items into the Library that pose a potential safety or health hazard to Library customers or staff.
- You cannot bring shopping carts or wheeled conveyances into the Library. Wheelchairs and trial briefcases with collapsible luggage carriers are permitted.
- Only law enforcement may carry or display weapons, including knives, on Library premises.
- You cannot possess alcoholic beverages, marijuana in any form, or illegal drugs on Library premises.
- You cannot distribute printed materials, take photos or record audio/video in the Library without prior authorization from the Law Library Director or its designee.
- You cannot intimidate or harass Library customers or staff.
- You cannot engage in loud conversation or use abusive language in the Library.
- You cannot engage in lewd conduct such as flashing, petting, or sexually oriented gestures, sounds, or comments on Library premises.
- You cannot be on Library premises while intoxicated or under the influence of alcohol or non-prescription drugs.
- You cannot be on Library premises when you have a personal hygiene that is offensive to a reasonable person. Offensive hygiene includes but is not limited to body odor and excessive use of scented products.
- You cannot leave children (below 14 years of age) unsupervised at any time in the Library.
- You cannot not leave personal items (e.g. cell phones, laptops, backpacks, etc.) unattended at any time in the Library.
- You cannot maliciously alter, delete, damage, or destroy a Library computer system, network, computer program, or data, or use library equipment to conduct any crime.
- You must leave the Library at closing or any other time when requested to do so by Library staff.
- You must submit to a search or inspection in the event the electromagnetic detector alarm goes off.
- Smoking tobacco or marijuana, vaping, and chewing tobacco are prohibited.
- You cannot solicit, panhandle, sleep, put your feet on furniture, or loiter in the Library or on Library premises.
- You cannot steal, vandalize, damage, or deface Library facilities, equipment, property, or materials.
- You cannot use your cell phone or other electronic devices that disrupt the work of others in the Library.
- You cannot use the restroom for longer than 15 minutes. You cannot use the restrooms for bathing or washing.
- You cannot use sounds or images in a way that disturbs Library customers or staff. Disturbing images include obscene or sexually explicit materials on cell phones, tablets, computers, and similar technology.
- Shirts and shoes are required in the library.
Any person who violates these rules will be asked to leave or be removed from the Law Library by the Law Library staff and will be dealt with in accordance with the Library’s Policy on Suspension of Library Privileges.
Riverside County Law Library Public Computer Use Policy
The Riverside County Law Library’s mission is to enable everyone to perform the highest level of research and practice through free and open access to the law. In keeping with this mission, the Law Library has made available public access computer stations solely for the purpose of researching the law or conducting one’s legal affairs. Patrons engaged in general non-legal study or research should use other libraries.
In order to ensure all users’ equitable access to the library’s electronic legal resources, the following policy is established to govern public use of the Law Library computers.
- Patrons must sign in to use a computer. By signing in, patrons agree to abide by this policy.
- Patrons may use a computer for one 1-hour session per day. One sign-in equals one 1-hour session. Patrons may sign in for a second 1-hour session if there is no one else waiting to use a computer.
- If someone is waiting to use a computer, a patron will be required to relinquish the computer at the end of his/her session.
- As a general rule, public computer use is limited to a maximum of two hours per day. As an exception, a patron may be allowed to continue to use a computer beyond the two-hour limit, provided that there are computers available for other patrons to use. If demand exceeds the number of available computers, no patron will be allowed to extend their computer use beyond the one or two-hour limit.
- Patrons may use only one computer at a time.
- To print from the computer, patrons must use the established Law Library print system and pay 15¢ per page.
- Patrons are expected to use the computer with minimal computer use instruction from Law Library staff. Written materials may be available for patrons needing intensive computer use assistance.
- Patrons must complete all their computer work/printing at least five (5) minutes before the library closes.
- No children under the age of 14 shall use the Law Library computers. Children ages 15 to 18 years may be allowed to use the Law Library computers in pursuit of formal class assignments or other academic purposes only with permission from the Director or its designee.
Inappropriate use of the computers at the Law Library includes, but is not limited to:
- Viewing, printing or downloading of non-legal research related materials including but not limited to games and pornography.
- Accessing games or shopping/auction services.
- Changing the current settings of computer stations used to access the Internet.
- Downloading or uploading software to or from the public access computer stations.
- Hacking into remote computer systems.
- Using computers in any way that causes damage to the hardware or software and/or violates California or Federal Law.
- Intensive email or social media use unrelated to legal purpose or issue.
All library patrons are required to use the computers in a responsible and courteous manner consistent with the purposes for which it is provided. The Law Library’s Standards of Behavior apply to use of computers and the Internet. Law Library staff has the authority to interpret and enforce this policy, and to verify that patrons are using the computers for legal research purposes. A patron who fails or refuses to comply with this policy will be required to relinquish their computer use privileges.
Riverside County Law Library No Filming in the Library Policy
This policy is intended to help maintain an appropriate environment for research and study in the Library and to protect the privacy rights and safety of Library customers, staff, and volunteers who may be impacted by filming or video-recording activity in the Library.
Anyone not affiliated with the Riverside County Law Library is not allowed to film or video-record in any of its facilities, whether it be for educational, public affairs or commercial purposes, as such activity is inconsistent with the Riverside County Law Library’s core purpose.
Riverside County Law Library Lost and Found Policy
The Riverside County Law Library’s (RCLL) Lost and Found repository is located at the Information Desk in the Victor Miceli Law Library and Indio Branch. Lost and Found items in the Temecula Law Resource Center will be turned over to the Ronald H. Roberts Temecula Public Library circulation desk and subject to their Lost and Found policy.
RCLL is not responsible for items left unattended or lost in the Library. Library staff will make a reasonable effort to identify and contact the owner of items with clearly identifiable contact information.
- RCLL is not responsible for items—regardless of their value—that are lost, stolen, or left in the library.
- Library staff will mark items with a written note including the date the item was found, the area it was found in, and a description of the item. This information may be required to claim a lost item.
- Items not claimed within 30 days will be discarded.
- ID cards not claimed within 3 months will be mailed/sent back to the issuing government agencies.
- Wallets will be inspected for owner’s identification to facilitate contacting the owner.
- Cash monies not claimed within 30 days will be deemed as a donation to the library. To claim cash monies a patron must provide at minimum a sufficient description of the amount of money, as well as the date and location of its loss.
- Any items deemed by Staff to be unsanitary may be discarded immediately. This includes, but is not limited to, perishable items such as food, drinks, and organic items emitting odor.
- For electronic items such as USB drives, cell phones, and laptops, reasonable identification of the item (e.g., contents, description, location, background picture, password, etc.) will be required before the item is released. Staff may access electronic items to search for contact information. Such access shall not circumvent any passwords, encryption, or other security measures.
- Matching photo identification will be required to claim library cards, bank cards, and other cards without a photo already on them.
- All unclaimed documents and paperwork, regardless of content, will be disposed of if unclaimed for 30 days.