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Librarians know it all

Thu, 11/06/2015 - 05:00

Have you ever had the experience where you find yourself standing somewhere and you can't remember why you're standing there?  See, the other day, I was helping no less than 8 people find things simultaneously (no chance of confusion, there).  Suddenly, I looked up and found myself standing in a isle devoted to all things intellectual property and I whilst holding Volume 6 of Nimmer on Copyright. 

Thing is, I could have sworn I was helping someone find something about landlord tenant law but here I was over in aisle 45A and I'm wracking my brain trying to figure out what it was I was looking for and why I was standing there and then I remembered the guy that had come in three days before looking for an agreement to copyright a few musical compositions he wrote while allowing another person to license/distribute his work to specialty vocal groups.  So, there I was standing with Volume 6 of Nimmer on Copyright opened to Chapter 30, Form 30.02E(1): Administration Agreement/Co-Administration Agreement and I realized that this was the answer to that guy's question and I'm finally able to call the guy and tell him the good news.  Sometimes it take my brain a while to figure something out but when it does....BAM!

So, off I go looking for landlord tenant stuff and as I'm wandering between aisles 41 and 42, I glance to my right and I see Motorcycle Accident Reconstruction and Litigation and remember that person #4 that day was looking for information about a personal injury action having just been in a motorcycle accident.  Turning around, I see Real Estate Transactions: Condominium Law and Practice Forms and remembered something person #1 asked about regarding a vacation package he had in Florida and I randomly snag volume 1A and it falls open to Appendix B-15 (which, as it happens is all about Vacation Plans in Florida).  Yeah, sometimes it happens just like that.

So, back to looking for landlord tenant stuff and I remember that on aisle 42A we have a slew of resources to help budding law students study for the California Bar Exam (thus helping person #5) and as I'm about to get to the end of aisle 42B, I notice out of the corner of my eye Civil False Claim and Qui Tam Actions (helping person #7).  And so it goes until I finally am able answer everyone's questions and finish up helping person #8 with her question of, "How can I sue my landlord?" which translated means how can I defend against an unlawful detainer action, by handing her California Practice Guide: Landlord Tenant and California Eviction Defense Manual.

I call it organized chaos. While the process of finding answers to reference questions sounds like a confusing mess, just know that if you ask me something, it will bounce around in my head until I find an answer as I graze through the stacks here at the Riverside County Law Library.


Victor Miceli Law Library

3989 Lemon Street
Riverside, CA 92501

Open: Monday-Friday 9AM - 4PM 

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Indio Branch

82-995 US Highway 111, Suite 102
Indio, CA 92201

Open: Monday-Friday 9AM - 4PM

[email protected] 

Temecula Law Resource Center

30600 Pauba Road
Temecula, CA 92592

Open: Tuesday-Thursday 10AM - 6PM 

[email protected] 

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